Internal Medicine

               Internal Medicine

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

And you will say: ‘Love! Love!

without your wound

being closed.

~ Lorca, “Towards” (Hacia)

You strip the skin and flesh first.  Then you break

The ribs.  You have to get far past the wound

To show it that it doesn’t count.  Its ache

Is colored like defeat but not cocooned

In heart’s protection, injury yet one

That need not spread its wings, a would-be moth

But maybe you can give it to the sun

And let it change to Monarch wings.  Ache’s cloth

Is not a bandage but instead the hem

Of Jesus’ robe.  If you can find the phrase

Required, then loves themselves combined condemn

And work their miracle with healing ways.

  A set of flesh and soul will close and cure

    When pain defies.  You choose.  You must endure.

Phillip Whidden