I Defy You to Listen to “Music” by Jean Barraqué and Not be Nauseated

I Defy You to Listen to “Music” by Jean Barraqué and Not be Nauseated


The centuries just before our current one

Decided to experiment with form

In all the arts.  This sea change had begun

With poetry.  The Rimbauds caused a storm

Along with Whitman and vers libre French.

The plastic arts and music followed.  What

We got then was the Jackson Pollock stench

Of so-called artistry as great as smut.

The conquest of more formal beauties is

Complete now, almost.  Many people think

That only free verse is inspired (the biz!)

And older beauties are just so much stink.

..Perhaps the truest horrors, though, are rap

….And Hallmark rhyming—all such low down crap.