Hollywood, Bally-wood, Female Smally-wood, Schmallywood

Hollywood, Bally-wood, Female Smally-wood, Schmallywood

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

While feeling slightly nauseated with

The imagery around him in the scenes

And songs, with all the Hollywood blonde myth,

And Bollywood’s Islamic kings with queens

Of Hindu hips, he suddenly is whacked

Between his eyes with Robin fixed with tits

In front of Batman.  Pointed, she is stacked

With boobs where licking-ish the male stare sits.

Of course the Batman He hulks over her.

His manly nose in profile almost brute

In dominance is quantified to spur

Guys’ daydreams but then make her nose mere cute.

  Phenomenally phallic, Batguy looms

    Where sex roles press to make a pert girl’s dooms.

Phillip Whidden