Hardness Goes Something Like Eternal and Liquid

Hardness Goes Something Like Eternal and Liquid

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

“Time stutters in your arms. It expands, diaphragm pushing down and out to make room for
seconds smoothing into hours.” ~ Jaime Mathis, “Blood Blister,” It Rises and Falls

Love pounds. It pounds. It’s tenderizing meat.
Love smashes. Blood will flow. The sounds love makes
When pounding flesh, like heart, these will deplete
Resistant muscle. Carnage kills off aches.
Love pounds, a blacksmith hammering us hard.
Love turns black iron fervent orange, then

Frustrates it out of shape. The dark is jarred
To forms it never dreamed of. Metal men
Are flattened, twisted, stretched against their will.
Love proves. It proves that even iron bends
And bleeds if it is iron flesh. The spill
Of manliness’s feelings meets its ends.
..Plutonium’s tensored hardness expands.
….A hardness with flesh and blood understands.