Frilly Pleats and Blokes

        Frilly Pleats and Blokes

When Greek men dance in unison, their shoes

Don’t dance like chorus girls’.  Men’s feet,

Too large for pretty grace, are like drunk crews

Of slack-foot sailors.  Men ignore the neat

And opt for strength.  Approximate stomping

Will do.  This rule holds true when wearing skirts;

Such men require their legs to go clomping

In fustenellas and kilts.  More like blurts

Than whispers on the ballet stage, men’s steps

In dance are out of sway, just slightly.  No

Astaire for them.  They’d rather look like manly schleps.

They’re partnering not Ginger but their bro.

..They might wear little vests with glinting gold

….But what they want is tromping, black and bold.