For Decades Afterward the Civil Servant Moaned, but Then in Later Decades We are All but Clueless

For Decades Afterward the Civil Servant Moaned, but Then in Later Decades We are All but Clueless

  Eddie Marsh, standing

How stripped we are of details, skinned by time

Of facts long lost.  We do not know what Will

Looked like while he thrust deep his semen crime

In Hathaway.  We do not know how shrill

His love for her was, shrill or not, or if

He only needed lust’s insistence rammed

Up in her guts, required his needy, stiff,

Invasion in and in until he slammed

His wordless message there.  In words we’re told

Brooke’s beauty in Eumenides shone stark

On stage, that he was dressed in blue and gold—

And brilliant red—but we are in the dark

About how banging gorgeous Rupert shone,

Legs bared.  Gashed, Eddie Marsh was forced to groan.

Phillip Whidden