Flowers and Flamingos

Flowers and Flamingos

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

It suffers violence but it does not know

What violence is.  Is blossom pink less real

Because it does not know a cruel blow

Might be delivered to it?  It cannot feel

It when force smashes down, but does that make

Destruction less?  Its sister has been snapped

From off its stem.  The storm that came to break

It from their bush is past.  This one is rapt

In beauty of the raindrops and the light.

Pink birds and other birds are quite aware

Of threat.  They glance around.  They keep their sight

In anxious search.  Death is ever a glare.

..Flamingos know that death comes on as fur

Flamingos in Lake by Leolo212

….Or feathers, leaving them a bloody slur.