Epic Schmepic

                 Epic Schmepic

To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And Eternity in an hour. ~ William Blake

The scales of sonnets and of haiku tempt

Some readers to reject the smaller forms

As less imposing, holding in contempt

The tiny ones, implying that the storms

Around our sun are more important than

Tornados in the human heart.  In Greece

The breakthrough came.  Greece noted that a man

Is measure of all things.  Far too obese

The epic poems tend to be.  A night

Inside a haiku can contain sky, fire,

The sea, an island and a zooming flight

Up past the Milky Way through man’s desire.

  The sonnet, only small in lines and rhyme,

    Discovers depth’s eternity in time.

Phillip Whidden