Elizabeth Taylor Never Managed Bangles to Compete with THAT

Elizabeth Taylor Never Managed Bangles to Compete with THAT

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

When class means one thing in Great Britain, class

Means something else in Hollywood.  It’s glitz

There, glitz with gilding.  Briefly, it means crass

With Cadillacs and white fox fur with tits

Concealed, just barely (emphasis on bared).

There came a time when royalty became

Confused with Hollywood, when flashbulbs glared

At Princess Grace,  when blue blood bedded fame.

It’s not like yachts in Monaco line up

More classily than filming magnates own.

What matters is that some has both E cup

Brassieres and that they pose upon a throne,

An ancient one.  The marriage of the two

Produces classiness’s crowning coup.

Phillip Whidden