Dying Cicadas

                     Dying Cicadas


Modern poetry  modern verse contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

May at least just one

Of them live on this night,

Autumn cicada.


~ Yayū


Much weaker and much weaker comes the sound

Cicadas sing (since some might call it song).

In scrape-like singing autumn coldness drowned

Them, killed off almost all the choiring throng.

A few remain as hidden as they are

In nettled, nettling summer, human ears

Affronted by that chorus and its jar

Against calm silence.  Concerts have no fears

Of death, or if they do, hide worry in

Their scratching whirrs, shrugging insectivores

Away from minds, protected by wide din,

Those multi-noted, overarching scores.

  The poet hopes that some will still live on

    Inside his dreaming midnight till the dawn.

Phillip Whidden

A cicada husk