Dusk on Cape Canaveral

Dusk on Cape Canaveral

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

That which travels

                                                                                                                                                            Forgets itself.

~ Lorca, (“Corriente”)

The truth of this is wayward as a breeze

That licks at saw palmetto berries, sand

And evening waves along the Cape.  The frieze

Of foam against the beach feels breakers fanned

Though smell from them is something that the nose

Intuits mostly.  Twilight does not have

A fragrance, though it should.  The evening glows

With hints of smells.  The saltinesses halve

Them, make them less, turn hints to less, to sauve

Impeachments of the heat of day and sweat.

The memory of a jellyfish goes mauve,

So tender that it loses all its threat.

  All this is lost once we have flown away,

    As subtle as a curling seahorse neigh.

Phillip Whidden