Cute Kitten in a Dream
Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem
You know how dreams are. Hallmark isn’t what
They aim for. Roses and perfume? Forget
That stuff. Their nightmare purpose is to glut
Your psyche with the worst that they can set
Upon your sleep and self. Perhaps they start
Surreal — yet not quite livid, evil. Then . . .
The lion steps in to add its formal part,
Spreads out its upper skin and waits for pen
And brush to paint its fur. But next a striped
Sweet kitten is set down in front of snout.
The lion gobbles it, the kitten wiped
Out, yum. The lion’s vileness is devout.
There isn’t any blood. The kitten’s gone,
That’s all. The lion doesn’t even yawn.
~ Phillip Whidden
by phillipw | Dec 15, 2024 | Uncategorized |