Coral Griefs

Coral Griefs

“The Sea on Fire”: Jean Barraqué

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

If mermaids basked on beaches, then their hair

Would be of swaying sea grass, whether blonde

Or red, and combed with coral brushes, flair

Of gold or scarlet, orange the teeth beyond

Mere mortal colors brooding through the strands.

Or maybe conches’ hard shaped fingers would

Arrange their hairdos.  Shining on the sands

The mermaids might lie back, as lovelies should,

To tantalize the mermen surfing through

Their breakers.  Lusters, abalone eyes,

The mermen’s irises stare over blue,

Near beauties keeping them from being wise.

  Coiffures of mermaids drive the men’s desires.

    These causes come from cool and hot sea fires.

Phillip Whidden