Concealment or Revelation

 Concealment or Revelation

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

If minds could play the instruments of mist,

Sopranos sing the songs of unheard souls,

And treble boys in choirs sing amethyst

Magnificats, then minds might grasp their goals.

If life were printed, see through ink on breath,

If painters brushed their gouache on ghostly robes,

If sculptors carved ideas on frightened death,

Then we might see our way to Plato’s globes

Of thought.  The athlete builds his muscles in

A flawless bulge of flesh:  devotion knows

The way to male perfection when the sin

Of red tattoos is veiled by Mylar clothes.

..A nun hides truths beneath her whispered prayers

….As wary monks hide selves in incense layers.