The Ideal Refuses

The Ideal Refuses

                 The Ideal Refuses Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Greeks never showed the Amazon with one Breast chopped away in marble.  Beauty’s shape Flowed lacking flaws.  Greek teachings all...

The Two Domes on the Gurdwara

The Two Domes on the Gurdwara Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem The dome of gold is higher than the white One.  Both are perfect.  “Innocence,” says one, “Is perfect, flawless, like a rigid rite.” Yet...

Gospel Songs and Other Falseness

    Gospel Songs and Other Falseness Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem The hollowness of neys is crucial to Their meaning.  That is what platonic thought Would say.  Their Dervish melodies are true, But...

Plato Alludes to and Quotes from Homer 331 Times

Plato Alludes to and Quotes from Homer 331 Times Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem A thinker who can’t think attempts to be Philosophy’s Big Name. He blames those who Write poetry since they lead...

That Other Congregation

    That Other Congregation The oldest congregation lingers here, No white haired ladies with a blue rinse in Coiffures among it.  Men beside this pier And that repenting middle-aged and balding sin Are not a part of this community. The congregation and the choir are...

Lurking and Lacking

  Lurking and Lacking Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem There’s someone deep inside me who is me, The “me” who is my soul—or whatever— Since I’m an unbeliever. It’s the key, Though, something that no...

More Lucid than the Real or the Surreal

More Lucid than the Real or the Surreal Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem You close your eyes and then you see. You view The truth more clearly. Seemingly your lids Have Gnostic painted pupils on them...

     The Triune Potency

          The Triune Potency According to Penelope Murray, “Socrates . . . . says, ‘any story or poem . . . narrates things past, present or future’ ”.  ~ Plato on Poetry, 4 We want a poem that is full of now, And past, and future, full.  We want intense Severity of...

Watered Down Wine and Esthetics

Watered Down Wine and Esthetics “Gretchen Reydams-Shils (“Myth and Poetry in the Timaeus”) deals with Socrates’ puzzling remark that his description of an ideal state was like a painting.” ~ Socrates’...

That Sumptuous Look

       That Sumptuous Look A smile like God’s perfume implied that…what? That in behind it was vanilla love, Or fragrance like a diamond so cut That only what is perfect from above Could be its meaning.  It refracted all The colors of the one ideal and smelled...

Stolen Identity

          Stolen Identity ‘Every being seemed to me to be entitled to several other lives.’  — Rimbaud, ‘Délires,’ Une Saison en Enfer Won’t someone please assist me by stealing My identity?  I’m sick of it.  Friends And...

A Trinity in Thought

     A Trinity in Thought Jehovah, and then Plato, and then Mo Imposed eternal absolutes on us. Mohammed says that we’re supposed to grow Our roots in Allah.  If we don’t, Mo’s cuss Will blast us, so watch out for suicide Pathetics on the prowl.  Jehovah’s law Is...

Ideals Are More Equal

    Ideals Are More Equal Ideals take over like a virus in Some minds.  Disease of thought requires the pills Of fact-based rationality.  The sin Of thinking based on higher thought makes ills In cultures and philosophy.  The French Left wing refused to dally with the...