Canaveral Olympic Sport
The Splashothrills
In Response to Wordsworth and the Daffodils
The brothers and the sisters set a race
Of sorts. They go out to the little dock
And brace up on that sunlit wooden space,
Banana River space. Some lift up frock
And underskirt. Some get out junk with balls.
Some stand, some squat strategically. Their piss
Is launched across the brine. The urine falls
And splashes. Woodrow didn’t say if miss
Or guy succeeded most in spraying pee
The farthest. Little arcing, liquid spills
Increased lagoon amount unmeasurably.
The horseshoe crabs and mullet felt no thrills.
The young ones put their stuff away and walked
Back to the sand. The pelicans weren’t shocked.
~ Phillip Whidden