“Both in the Heavens and on Earth, Visible and Invisible”

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“Both in the Heavens and on Earth, Visible and Invisible” ~ Colossians 1:16

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

“All visible things will be born again invisible.” ~ The Zohar

Yet how will we perceive them then?  Will we

Lick up their stealthy sweat or smell the hair

Beneath their shoulders?  What we cannot see

Will rub against us.  We will feel despair.

We will hear them as they pass between

Our ribs or ricochet inside the marrow in

That cage.  Their teeth and fingertips unseen

Will graze our nipples, sizzling pure with sin,

Or love, or something—invisible lust

Will do, transparent passion, tight see through

Erections, swelling pinkless ghostly bust,

Conspire in heat to camouflage taboo.

  But then each sensing eye, each skin, each ear,

    Each nose and tongue will also disappear.