Avila Cathedral Interior by Heinrich Hermanns

Avila Cathedral Interior by Heinrich Hermanns

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

“And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal”

 Imagine turning richness into haze

Of mystic light and surfaces that hint

At deeps of spirit.  Watercolor praise

Of gold and velvet seems to send a tint

Of heaven’s New Jerusalem with jewel

Foundations but expressed with nuance, shade

And powder from archangels’ wings.  A pool

In Eden offered brush its trick to fade

And not to fade the brass to shyness.  Globes

With finials were placed by Holy Ghost

And Christ while wearing satin soul-glossed robes,

The brass with shine from crystal waves’ white coast.

  Three subtly shadowed purples peep behind

    The choir screen from divinity’s own mind.

Phillip Whidden