Autumn Reincarnation or Moksha

     Autumn Reincarnation or Moksha

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

When autumn comes, comes wisdom made of fierce

Transcendence, beauty of the hues of fire

And death, the beauties,  harshness, force to pierce

An autumn heart like mine.  A funeral pyre

Upon the banks of Ganges comes to mind.

The gorgeous god consuming corpses flings

In flames their little lives.  Each flare is signed

By fate in Hindu doctrine.  Each flare’s wings

Imply a soul that makes its way to flight

For incarnation or to full escape

To bliss away from every autumn night

Henceforward as the bodies turn to crepe.

  No wonder autumn rules with fear of aims

    Because of our mortality, leaf flames.

Phillip Whidden