As Strong as Steely Silk

      As Strong as Steely Silk

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

No hints are held in songs of birds about

How soon their death will come.  The wren can sing

Its aria but death will have its clout.

The wren will find a hard wire fence and cling

UK Bird Song – Wren Call – Bing video

To it while pushing out luxuriant

Perfection in its gush of notes, but death

Will eavesdrop cozily with prurient

Intent.  That evil takes away the breath

Of  wrens and rufous nightingales as well.

No matter how determined songbird sound

Goes on or overgenerous throats swell,

Their deaths will bring them silent to the ground.

..The morning after notes on strong silk thread

….Unending, nearly, singing birds are dead.