As Dead As Sabbath-keeping Saints Columba and Patrick on Their Long Lost Shores

As Dead As Sabbath-keeping Saints Columba

     and Patrick on Their Long Lost Shores


Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

I cannot quite call back to mind and heart

My father’s voice, not even when he told

Us stories, stories from his boyhood part

In Cape Canaveral’s annals, strong his hold

On memories made of sun and mountain clouds

Above lagoons and ocean, clouds of flights

Above the myriads of birds, migrating crowds

Of wings and of the aria-like nights

When Wilma turned waves’ brackish waters to

La Scala brimming melodies.  And now

Her coloratura loveliness too

Has disappeared far past his rowboat’s prow,

Two voices in lost places no one knows

As if Canaveral daybreaks never rose.

Phillip Whidden