Alhambra Paladin

               Alhambra Paladin

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

Far better than the flashing fountain fire

Of love inside a Moorish courtyard, eyes,

My eyes are fixed on flesh, your flesh, desire

As strong as scimitars.  I smooth your thighs

Apart.  You spread them willingly above

The tiles and cushions, silk not smooth enough

For skin like yours.  Yet still it knows the love

It needs.  It needs a soldier’s hands, their rough

Demand.  You close your eyes so you can see

With other eyes, the eyes that skin can feel,

The touch that grasps and forces wide the knee

And other knee for opening like steel.

  It enters harder than the pillars’ strength.

    You open for the saintliest male length.

Phillip Whidden