A Solitary Fire

                      A Solitary Fire

In bobby socks the teenyboppers used

To sigh or scream about a baritone,

Or tenor, or falsetto voice.  Amused,

Their objects of desire jived through a zone

Of smugness like a phoenix on its pyre.

Before these screeching fans, James Strachey hunched

In front of uni lodgings’ mopey fire

And dreamed of Rupert.  Strachey, sitting scrunched

Like Wile E. Coyote, gasped alone in

Sucked out ruination love.  He sat

In love’s paralysis.  Serotonin

Left Strachey slumped like Wile E.’s flattened splat.

  And did the poet care?  No, not one jot.

    The love of James was just a desert blot.

Phillip Whidden