A Painting of a Statue Reflected in a Mirror Set up in and Reflecting Also the Formal Garden at Versailles Photograph of statues reflecting and distorting nature— http://salliarnold.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/mirror-figures.html Then a painting of a real natural and architectural scene in a photograph snapped while the painting is reflected in a mirror— https://mikkisenkarik.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/big-painting-step-26-studio-setup- painting-in-mirror.jpg So, if we place an artwork in a maze Within a formal garden and the art Is like some imitation of the ways Reality looks, what would this impart To Plato? If we place a mirror there And it reflects the piece of art and French Design for nature, would the Greek man stare In horror? Would this scene make Plato blench? Reflections of these imitations of These imitations are forbidden in His perfect city. It must rise above. Imitations of imitations sin Against Ideal Forms doubly; if we paint This scene, then triply. Plato might just faint.

A Painting of a Statue Reflected in a Mirror Set up in and Reflecting Also the Formal Garden at Versailles

Photograph of statues reflecting and distorting nature—

Then a painting of a real natural and architectural scene in a photograph snapped while the
painting is reflected in a mirror—

So, if we place an artwork in a maze
Within a formal garden and the art
Is like some imitation of the ways
Reality looks, what would this impart
To Plato? If we place a mirror there
And it reflects the piece of art and French
Design for nature, would the Greek man stare
In horror? Would this scene make Plato blench?
Reflections of these imitations of
These imitations are forbidden in
His perfect city. It must rise above.
Imitations of imitations sin
Against Ideal Forms doubly; if we paint

This scene, then triply. Plato might just faint.