Assaulting the Backbone of Beauty

Assaulting the Backbone of Beauty


The deliberate program, then, of a “break” with the past or tradition seems to me to be a sentimental fallacy. ~ Hart Crane

Pathetic prophet Crane did not foresee

de Kooning or that Jackson Pollock reek

On canvass.  Crane’s sentimentality,

Like Oedipus’s eyeballs, was too weak

To stymie “Fountain” and Duchamp

Descending into Modernism on

A factory fire escape.  The Twombly  swamp

Crane couldn’t have imagined through the dawn

Of Cubism’s outrage.  Bacon’s evils

And Pablo’s sins in every medium

Resulted in unimaginable upheavals

Against the past.  Resultant tedium

Of ugliness from animosities

Against the classic is atrocities.