Astronomical Observation CRS 07192013 Charles Randall Stanfield

Astronomical Observation CRS 07192013 Charles Randall Stanfield


“you hover on the surface of the sun” ~ Jaime Mathis, It Rises and Falls

“Dance Orange” painting by Charles Randall Stanfield

The opposite of sunspots, that was you.

You wandered on the surface of a star

The rest of us could never see.  Your blue

Was brighter than our yellows ever are

And unlike normal blemishes on suns

You never lingered, fixed and stolid, stuck

In place for scientists to see.  The ones

Of us you left behind in death were struck

With your phenomenon, your azure life

So different from the burnt orange swirls on

Our nearest globe of fire.  Your wife and wife

And wife, and friend, won’t know another dawn

That rises with a nomad darkness that is bright.

Our telescopes can see now only night.