Xuanzang: Observations on Assam, Bihar, Kasmir, the Peninsular and Punjab

 Xuanzang:  Observations

on Assam, Bihar, Kasmir,

the Peninsular and Punjab

We meet dismay when pondering histories

Far foreign from our time.   Many amassed

Cross-pollinated facts become mysteries,

As when a Chinese traveler in the past

So distant that we have no handle on it tours

An India synonymously long

Ago in time.  He puts the facts in stores

Of Chinese script on silk.  The scrolls are strong

But they are full of details so opaque

In meaning to my mind and modern soul

That they are like the missing words, the ache

Beneath a palimpsest. They form a hole.

  He writes of sects and abbots lost in slow

    Time, melted like primeval empires’ snow.