Gauguin was Unaware: “The unplumb’d, salt, estranging sea.”

        Gauguin was Unaware:

          “The unplumb’d, salt,

               estranging sea.”

“in isolation and virtual savagery” ~ Paul Gauguin


Yes! in the sea of life enisled,

With echoing straits between us thrown,

Dotting the shoreless watery wild,

We mortal millions live alone.

The islands feel the enclasping flow,

And then their endless bounds they know. ~ Matthew Arnold

We move in isolation, never mind

Stupidities of daydreams like romance

And friendship.  Love is worse than blind.

It laughs at us, as if the fruits that glance

Away from Tantalus forever were

Ordained for all.  It is as if our lives

Were wrapped in strips with frankincense and myrrh

By senseless gods who wield dissecting knives

Before we’re born.  The loneliness is wide


Like canyons in blank space.  Our songs are dumb

And edged by death.   We are a bogus bride

And groom.   Our sacrament is numb.

  We flail about with faiths and other props

    Deluding us.  We think we’re more than slops.