The Encyclopedia Sonnetica

Gaslighting Battalions Followed by Fact

Gaslighting Battalions Followed by Fact When poets are involved in war, they take Their stances separately,  not set as corps Like soldiers in platoons.  To undertake Their poet duty, each perceives the war From different angles.  Some, among the first, Are those who...

Miniaturization of Romance in Showers

Miniaturization of Romance in Showers .. The wind’s rain shows the light like stars across The cosmos, but some eyes decide to see The vacuum of nothingness.  Shine’s gloss Is not desired enough.  Instead a scree Of pessimism made of Scotland reigns. The...

He Was Real Before He Became a Pablum English Myth

He Was Real Before He Became  a Pablum English Myth Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Reduced to being hero, poet, dead And soldier, he is trapped up on a plinth Above pink paving stones, his gorgeous head...