Truer than True

                Truer than True

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

Those things inside our throats are waiting for

Their meaning.  Music sung begins as notes

Which once inside the mouth might want to soar

As words, as lyrics, as the heart devotes

Itself to adoration.  Concepts rise

Past tongue, past teeth, past lips but still with spit

Involved though ever upward toward the skies

Of tenors and sopranos.  Once notes hit

Their targets, then we know their meaning.  Tombs

Are hidden in the voice box till the breath

Expels their mystery.  The throat holds rooms

That operas dream of, weddings breathed with death.

  Two girls of snow are what the singer aims

    For, maybe moons more white, a sound that maims.

Phillip Whidden