Recessional Marche Triumphale ~ Sigfrid Karg-Elert

Recessional Marche Triumphale ~ Sigfrid Karg-Elert

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

Throughout the chancel and the nave fall flowers

In colors edged the space with petals, form

And shape.  Despite the florist these had powers

Beyond the blossoms.  Though too uniform,

Arrangements burst in stillness, autumn tamed

As autumn cannot be.  The yellows, reds

And oranges always wild in coolness flamed

And tinted air around with fragrance, heads

And berry clusters.  These bouquets were like

The music at the end:  a grandeur fixed

In order and in beauty with a spike

Of orchids gathered, all October mixed.

  The postlude almost wiped away the stains

    Within this service with triumphant strains.

Sigfrid Karg Elert – Marche Triomphale, Op. 65, No. 59 (1908) (

Phillip Whidden