Retort to an Unthinking Funeral Ceremony

Retort to an Unthinking Funeral Ceremony

“Daur ye say Mass in my lug? ~ Jenny Geddes

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

The priestess said that God loves everything

He made.  I kept my seat.  I did not stand.

I did not weld my tongue to angel wing

To cause my words with truth to brand

Her claim a lie.  The other folk in range

Of her untruth kept silence, too.  We all

Were dumbstruck.  No one cried to her, “How strange

Your claim is, priestess.   What about the Fall?

Does God love Lucifer, now Satan, or

Beelzebub, Belial, Python, Spirit of

Assassination lying?  . . . and, what for,

If God loves these, why give that fatal shove?”

  “The Christ loves everyone,” she said.

    If this be love, live out your life in dread.

Phillip Whidden