Loveliest of Trees — an Antidote to Autumn Foliage

Loveliest of Trees — an Antidote to Autumn Foliage

Imagine drinking saké underneath

The cherry blossoms.  Saké and the food

Are not about our deaths and joys — a wreath

Of loss and life.  This day is for the brewed

Sak-ura-flavored drinks, the pink of blooms,

The sweetness of the sunlight, springtime air

And tittering in silks.  Ignore the dooms

All round.  The picnic people grow no prayer.

That’s for another time.  This day is pink

And white and green, these beauties that they know.

They do not even give the slightest wink

To death.  Why should they?  Cherries laugh at snow.

  Enjoying spring is better than a rite.

    Leave memento mori pinkly.  Shrug off blight.

Phillip Whidden