Cosmic Regurgitation

            Cosmic Regurgitation

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

Black holes are darker than the darkest spheres

Of planets.  You might fear them if you saw

Them.  Even more the darkest holes cause smears

Across the cosmos.  Into blackest maw

Each sucks the living stars and then a blast

Of light years’ length is spewed out from their death.

Catastrophe results in evil far more vast

Than humans can imagine.  Black hole breath,

Contaminated by the death of suns

Chomped in and thrown up, retched out from their light

Compacted into doom, is like the sons

Of Cronus, his cannibalistic rite.

  Each man knows this when he wants curved in waists

    Like black holes with their greed-filled black sin tastes.

Phillip Whidden