Fingering and Throat

     Fingering and Throat

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

Wooden flutes pacify the air. ~ Lorca, “Ode to Salvador Dalí” (Oda a Salvador Dalí)

A flute alone can bring the best of peace

To air and evening.  Twilight seems too soon

And if the notes find ecstasy’s release

From lips too early in the afternoon

The calm will fail to soothe the breeze. If played

By fingers of the one who loved you just

Last night, the one who lingered, licked and stayed

With you in bed, perfume made up of must

And passion, melodies from mouth and lips,

Then rhythms of the music will estrange

All other beauty.  You will think of hips

And lover’s heights as lover’s mountain range.

  But dusk is best for calling out the joy

    From instruments as old as Helen’s Troy.

Phillip Whidden