Madness and Modernism

      Madness and Modernism

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

The Modernists will say my measures mar

Since made of sharp steel rulers; mean the soul

Of poetry and arts will turn to scar;

Perhaps, but scab is worse to see.  The goal

Of wreckers is to free from form the truths

Of centuries — maybe strict millennia.

The argument includes that sonnet’s booths

Have changed throughout the years, yep, many a

Time.  Still the sonnet changed from form to form

And not to formlessness.  Such seems the point

That they have missed.  They want a slobbering storm.

And want to smoke a magic mushroom joint.

  They want an art world burbling, “ban-free-free!”

    I want that world completely banshee free.

Phillip Whidden