Levitation above the Arbor’s Lawn

    Levitation above the Arbor’s Lawn

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

Some petals send no scent that human nose

Can sense.  These flowers have no fragrance for

The person passing by.  Smells dispose

Themselves in Easters.  On the air they score

A wing-like loveliness unseen, like flights

Of angels, yet these pinions would be still

Except the gentlest of breeze brings heights

Of seraphim enough to overfill

A meditating monk.  When there is no

Perfume, the contemplator has to peer

Like saints upon the form that flowers grow.

Mind wills to hover in a spirit sphere.

  Thought disappears as in a realm of calm,

    Religion not requiring prayer or psalm.

Phillip Whidden