An After-sunset Avenue in Montpelier, Vermont

An After-sunset Avenue in Montpelier, Vermont

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

For Linda Pervier


The arc lights in the darkness of the street

Create an eeriness in time.  The leaves

Fall through them speeded up, it seems, to meet

Their death.  A two-tone universe believes

That night and light should hasten loss if they

Are crudely juxtaposed, when they are placed

Against each other.  Stark downward cones display

The fate of autumn leaf, leaf, leaf displaced

And doomed abruptly in so short a time

That they ram home eternity of death

Against life’s brevity.  This paradigm

Is shown in moments shorter than a breath.

  Split-second brightness ruthlessly is brought

    To bear, but then each brilliant leaf is naught.

Phillip Whidden