Jehovah Isn’t Buddha with his Prayer Wheels

  Jehovah Isn’t Buddha with his Prayer Wheels

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

So why do people pray when they want God

To give a favor?  He is said to be

A God of love.  Perhaps it is an odd

Thing begging for his generosity

When he is full of righteousness and love.

You ask for bread.  He doesn’t give a stone.

You ask for fish.  He doesn’t try to shove

Away and give a scorpion.  His clone

(Whatever) says as clearly as he can

That God will do his right and loving best

No matter what.  He has this giant plan

So why do people  have to plead, request?

  Before we make appeals, he knows the score.

    Can we change that with one or two prayers more?

Phillip Whidden