“The Universe, the Mind of God”

     “The Universe, the Mind of God”

Modern poetry  modern verse contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

The leech that falls from trees in Nippon sucks

From animals and humans blood.  This leech

Falls down and finds the flesh and then tucks

In, nursing dinner.  Does the Buddha reach

Out mind-wise, noting fall and blood?  Will He

Count falling leeches and each drop of blood?

The Father notes each sparrow.  No prayed plea


Does He require to hear the feathered thud.

The sparrow isn’t greater in the mind

Of throned Jehovah than the leech.  They both,

The leech and bird, are God’s.  He isn’t blind

To hunger and to death.  His great Shabuoth

Includes the rule, “Thou shalt not kill” and so

He marks each one, no matter, high or low.

Phillip Whidden