Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem
Stare ahead through the oblivion,
Pondering upon the flashes of darkness.
And with a hand reach out with compulsion
To touch the nothingness. To make out starkness.
~ Suyash Singh
Stare hard ahead through blankness like a blind
Clairvoyant and you will see no more
Than she discerns. The blankness will unwind
To starkness, clueless as a blindfold whore
Who walks along a bricked up alley, sealed.
A Helen Keller lacking teacher, words
And fingertips, that’s you, all sense repealed.
Tiresias is watching crippled birds
Despite the king stabbing and stabbing out
The jelly in his eyes. A vampire lies
Inside a coffin, lid clamped shut, a stout
Stake rammed deep through heart—you are just that wise.
The future is impossible to see.
It lurks, a churchyard yew, a chopped down tree.
~ Phillip Whidden