Past Joy Everything Else is Death

Past Joy Everything Else is Death

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

“Le petite mort”

You probe for joy, and probe for joy, then probe

Again, again — more deeply.  Joy is there.

You know that long before the twitching strobe

Lights start to flash in darkness.  Clinched eyes stare

Completely blind but seeing anyhow.

The gouging then becomes obsession crammed

With dark necessity.  You pledge, you vow,

You promise anything to someone rammed

With your affectionate neglect until

This she or he is quite convinced that you

Are not neglecting.  Next your slammings spill

Your total essence in your final spew.

By then it doesn’t matter.  This and that

Are nothing now because you’ve left your splat.