Whack Humor

             Whack Humor

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

When he is at his gayest, you can know

That he hulks earnest in designs.  To take

Him at his surface meaning is to go

Awry the way a moth in moonlight’s wake

Might miss the swash of tides.  And do not think

The gravest of his plans is far from gay

Hilarity. He suddenly will wink.

Solemnity will break into a neigh

Or donkey braying giggles.  In the band

He plays the tinkles of the triangle

And also bass drum notes.  His rhythm’s planned

Iago’s and Othello’s sly strangle.

Watch out.  The silliest of drag queen wigs

Is like a frosty morning for fat pigs.

Daffy Duck Porky Beatdown Montage – Bing video