When Washington Created Lasting Love on M Street, Georgetown

When Washington Created Lasting Love on M Street, Georgetown

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

You sum up everything I lost,

An April made unending since we shared

The cherry blossoms as in Pentecost,

The redbuds clinging to their bark, flared

Out tight from it in godly purple.  Days

And days of sunshine stiff enough to quell

Such ice as nights would bring.  The tulip blaze

In beds and borders would in scarlet yell

Their beauty if this brilliant noise could keep

The wishful heat from wilting petal, bloom,

And anthers.  Heat was not allowed to seep

Through April’s garden flowers.  No noon made room

For summer’s breath to sag the springtime view.

This everlasting April came from you.