But What if I, when Speaking in my Own Voice, Make a False Representation of Myself? Elementary, My Dear Plato

But What if I, when Speaking in my Own Voice, Make a False Representation of Myself? Elementary, My Dear Plato

It seems that Plato means that if I speak

Or write in poetry, but in my own

Persona and my voice, that is not weak

And dodgy like mimesis.  In this clone

Of me there is no imitation of

Some other person.  That is Plato’s thought.

This “Phillip” voice is truer and above

The mimicry he hates, the fake so fraught

With undermining danger.  Homer chants

As Homer sometimes in the Iliad,

But when a king speaks there, then Plato rants

Against this falseness.  It is bad, bad, bad.

..It’s pitiful to think a man like him

….Could be so childish.  He seems really dim.