O Head Full of Blood and Wounds

O Head Full of Blood and Wounds

Before his fourteenth year the boy wrote down

A melody like Bach’s “O Haupt voll Blut

Und Wunden,” but the sixth note did not frown.

Instead it mounted up.   It took a route

More positive.  Prophetic nearly, one

Might say, when looking at his future heights.

“Real beauty and much tender charm” this son

Of Bach put in this “first peice.”*  He made flights

From greatness like an eaglet fledgling raised

Up by the grandeur of the past behind.

An early critic found his strengths and praised

The “harmonies and cadences,” a mind

Beyond his age.  She felt them strike inside

Her head, not wounds, but his predictive stride.


This poem is part of a shorter sonnet sequence within this large sonnet sequence called The Encyclopedia Sonnetica.  The shorter sonnet sequence is called “A Lively Hope.”  I recommend you read this poem where it is set in its sonnet sequence.  To do that, search for “A Lively Hope” here in The Encyclopedia Sonnetica, or you may see an illustrated version the entire shorter sequence at
where it was first published.