Ad Augusta per Angusta— to Elevated Goals through Narrow Paths

Ad Augusta per Angusta— to Elevated Goals through Narrow Paths

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

A vision of the narrow path to high
Perfection, highest pitch of tenor goals,
With something like a throat in straining cry
Of beauty as in pain, comes out in scrolls
Of utter prophecy. The beauty of
High holiness is what a lover strains
For. It is not some martyr’s type of love,
Some mystical mind’s doctrine lacking stains,
Not visionary mysteries of saints.
Equivalence of goals and tightest trails
Becomes apparent. Holiness is taints

Of off-white semen as each thrust impales

The narrowness of flesh-invaded hips,
Hard meat in thrusting in between silk lips.