Johnson Beharry

Johnson Beharry

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

“what is ideal in him is the beauty and freshness he embodies” ~ Jacob Burckhardt
commenting on the ancient Greek hero

The heroes loom beyond the action. These
Pre-date heroic deeds the way a sun
Exists before a solar flare and seas
Before the breaching whale, each man the one
Inhabiting a beauty others long
To fill. He does not know until the blaze
Of danger has engulfed him. He proves strong
When crisis belches out its evil rays.
A hero’s thrust is freshness from a dawn
He did not know would spread until his pure
Flesh breaks a sweat as clean as any brawn
Has ever hoped for. It is like a cure.
..Combine this beauty and this purity.
….They reveal our previous surety.