Glowing Canvas

Glowing Canvas

Mild autumn fields look turned to warmth by plough

And sun as if a hazel-colored scene

Were caught by some new Constable who now

Arises in burnt orange, blond and green—

While nutshell brown comes, from a brush which toils

As newer Turners might, if they made fields

Of loam and stubble set by trees in oils

With truer hues than even nature yields.

Then later afternoons begin to bless

October chills with blankets made of slight

Flame, shaded comforters of dew that dress

The broken cornstalks in their toned bronze light.

  The autumn is an artist with a gloss

    Of genius sanctifying ochre loss.

Somehow a stubble plain looks warm—in the same way that some pictures look warm’ ~ John Keats, letter to John Hamilton Reynolds, September 21, quoted in Keats by Andrew Motion, pp. 457 and 461.