Sailor’s Intercourse in Avila

  Sailor’s Intercourse in Avila

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

Inside my warship made of words I feel
I do not need a spyglass, do not need
New maps.  I do not need some other keel
Or rudder.  Older winds will give me speed
Enough for imaged voyages and ports.
I might make do with just a galleon’s  sails
To take me to an older Spanish fort
Built up by Lope.  As within their jails

Of grace the walled up nuns have felt the thrills
Of Christ, theophany and pain, I think
That I can find a ruled out vision spills
More freely.  Let others into license shrink.
  I look to see Teresa as my guide.
    A strictness will inspire in punctured hide.

Phillip Whidden